Who Am I?

Ver Pangonilo, PEE RPEQ


Ver Pangonilo

We provide safe, reliable and sustainable Energy Solutions

Summary of Qualifications

Professional Registrations
Philippines: Professional Electrical Engineer (First Placer – April 1991)
Australia: Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ)
Professional Memberships
— Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers (Philippines) – Life Member No. 23633
— IEEE Member No. 90438137 - IEEE Power & Energy Society
B.Sc (Eng) Electrical, 1983 - Saint Louis University
Baguio City, Philippines
Specialist Courses
— Hazardous Area Classification Certificate No. CT04248 (Australia)
UEENEEM015B Classify hazardous areas
UEENEEM016B Design electrical installations in hazardous areas
UEENEEM017B Design explosion-protected electrical system
In partial completion of UEE61207 - Advanced Diploma of Engineering - Explosion protection
Training and Seminnars
— ISO 9001:2015 - Understanding and Requirements Implementation
— Effective Risk Management
— Task Risk Assessment


Core Competencies

Concept definition, front-end engineering (FEED) and detail design engineering
— Equipment specification, selection, procurement, installation and commissioning
— Power distribution, earthing, lighting and lightning protection design
Procurement, project management and construction management
— Purchase requisitions and technical bid evaluations
Power System Design
— Power system modelling(ETAP, SKM Power Tools, PowerCad)
— Electric Power Distribution for Industrial and Commercial Facilities
— Short-ciruit Calculation and Protection Coordination
— Calculations for equipment selection
— Earthing (grounding) and lightning protection
— Lighting design
— Semiconductor and Clean Room Facilities
— UPS and Emergency Genecators
Commissioning, maintenance, estimating and construction
— Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) estimating
Hazardous area design and installation
— Upstream and downstream oil & gas facilities, refineries and process plants
— Offshore platforms, floating production storage and offloading (FPSO)
— LNG pipelines, bulk water transmission pipeline
— Tunnel/underground facilities installations
Water pumping stations, water treatment & sewage plants

Latest Blog

Choosing the Right Transformer Cooling: ONAN vs. KNAN

Where reliability and safety are paramount in a power system, selecting the right transformer cooling method can have a significant impact on performance, maintenance, and long-term costs. Two commonly used cooling methods—ONAN (Oil Natural Air Natural) and KNAN (K-Class Insulating Fluid, Natural Air Natural)—each offer distinct advantages and trade-offs.

Protection and Backup Protection for High Voltage Cables

1. Introduction High voltage (HV) cable protection is critical to ensure reliability and safety in power transmission systems. The primary protection scheme for HV cables is current differential protection (87L), while backup protection consists of overcurrent (51), directional overcurrent (67), earth fault (51N/67N), and breaker failure (50BF) protection. This document outlines the settings and coordination required for each protection scheme. 2....

Technical Comparison of Air-Insulated Switchgear (AIS) and Gas-Insulated Switchgear (GIS)

1. Introduction The selection of appropriate switchgear is crucial for power system reliability, safety, and efficiency. Air-Insulated Switchgear (AIS) and Gas-Insulated Switchgear (GIS) are two predominant technologies used in electrical power distribution and transmission. While both serve the same fundamental purpose of controlling, protecting, and isolating electrical equipment, they differ significantly in design, insulation medium, footprint, cost, and maintenance...

Optimizing Earth Fault Detection for a 100MW PV and Ni-Cd BESS System

In a large-scale 100MW photovoltaic (PV) system with a Ni-Cd battery energy storage system (BESS) operating at medium voltage, detecting earth faults early is crucial for maintaining reliability, safety, and efficiency. An unearthed DC system, while reducing ground fault currents, requires specialized monitoring to prevent insulation degradation and system failures.

Technical Note: Internal Arc Protection in Electrical Systems

Introduction Internal arc protection is a critical safety measure in electrical power systems to mitigate the effects of arc faults within switchgear, transformers, and distribution panels. These faults result from insulation failure, short circuits, or equipment degradation, leading to high-energy discharges that can cause severe damage, fires, and personnel injuries. Importance of Internal Arc Protection Personnel Safety –...

Evaluation of Ni-Cd Batteries in Photovoltaic Systems

1. Charge Controllers Photovoltaic (PV) systems require charge controllers to regulate battery charging and optimize energy usage. The two primary types of charge controllers are Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). 1.1 MPPT Charge Controller MPPT controllers dynamically track the solar panel’s maximum power point (MPP) and adjust voltage and current to maximize energy harvesting. Their advantages include...
Learn the basics


MVA Method

At this times where supercomputers could fit into a mobile phone and utility softwares are always available to do particular tasks, most Electrical Engineers tend to forget how to implement …


Short Circuit Study
What is a Short Circuit Study? A short circuit study calculates the short circuit capacity at designated locations within a...
MVA Method Short Circuit Calculation
A Short Circuit Study is an important tool in determining the ratings of electrical equipment to be installed...
MVA Method Load Flow Calculation
In previous tutorials for the MVA method, we have discussed the importance of Short Circuit Study, combining KVAs and...
MVA Method for 3-Winding Transformer
In previous tutorials, the examples provided were mostly for 2-winding transformers. In this tutorial, fault calculations for a 3-winding...
Complex MVA Method – Part 3
In Part 2, we have seen how to combine MVAs connected...
Complex MVA Method
The normal MVA method, despite its simplicity, provides only an approximate solution to determine the fault levels in a...
Complex MVA Method – Part 2
After presenting the equations that we will be using for the Complex MVA Method in Complex MVA Method – Part 4
In Part 1, Part 2, and Part...
Combining KVAs
KVAs in series. The total KVAs in series (KVAtotal) is the reciprocal sum or inverse sum of all series...

Cable Selection

Cable Selection – Single Phase Earth Conductor Sizes Fault Loop Impedance High Voltage Cable Selection – Underground Cables Selection for Motors


Cable Selection – Single Phase
Note: This will be the first of a series of tutorials for the selection of cables. The objective of this...
Fault Loop Impedance
Note: This is the second part of a series of tutorials for cable selection. We have done cable selection based...
Cables Selection for Motors
When selecting a suitable cable size for a motor, there are more parameters to consider than when selecting cables...
High Voltage Underground Cable Selection
Unlike the other Cable Selection tutorials which deals with low voltage (LV) cables,...
Earthing Conductor Sizes
The following table lists the recommended minimum sizes of earthing conductors. Note: This serves only as a guide, calculations are...
Arc Flash Hazards
It's not too long ago that arc flash hazards has become an important part of electrical design. More clients...
IEEE 1584 Arc Flash Calculations
IEEE 1584 provides empirical formulas for determining arcing fault current, flash protection boundaries, and incident energy. The formulas are...
Time-Current Curves Using Excel – Part 1
In these articles, I have discussed the methodology on how to create time-current curves using excel.
  1. Creating Coordination Curves...
Time-Current Curves
Discrimination & coordination using Time-Current Curves
  1. TC Curves Part 1 - Introduction
  2. Time-Current Curve Part 2 – Discrimination
    In Part 1, I have discussed the basics of using excel in plotting time-current curves. In...
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