Network Protection and Automation Guide

The "Network Protection and Automation Guide" (NPAG) is a widely recognized reference book in the field of electrical network protection and control. Before being renamed to Areva, it was known under the brand Alstom, and before that, it was GEC Alsthom. Alstom Group re-acquired AREVA T&Ds Transmission activities in June 2010 and changed its business name from AREVA T&D Ltd. to Alstom Grid Ltd. In June 2010, Alstom and Schneider Electric signed an agreement with Areva for the acquisition of Areva T&D, its transmission and distribution business.

The Network Protection and Automation Guide originally published in 1966. It has undergone thourh several editions from then on incorporting the latest technology available. The last published by Alstom was in 2011. With the acquisition of Areva T&D by Schnieder Electric, the publications of the Network Protection and Automation Guide has been taken over by Schneider Electric.

This book covers principles and applications of protection relays and automation systems in electrical networks. It provides a comprehensive overview of protection techniques, relay settings, fault calculations, and more. Below is a list of topics contained in the latest version of the NPAG.

A1-Fundamentals of protection practice
A2-Fundamental Theory
A3-Fault Calculations
A4-Equivalent Circuits and Parameters of Power System Plant
B1-Relay Technology
B2-Current and Voltage Transformers
B3-Industrial and Commercial Power System Protection
C1-Overcurrent Protection for Phase and Earthfaults
C10-AC Railway Protection
C11-Arc Protection

C2-Line Differential Protection
C3-Distance Protection
C4-Distance Protection Schemes
C5-Protection of Complex Transmission Circuits
C6-Busbar Protection
C7-Transformer and Transformer-Feeder Protection
C8-Generator and Generator-Transformer Protection
C9-AC Motor Protection
D2-Signalling and Intertripping in Protection Schemes
D3-IEC 61850 and Applications
D4-Frequency and Load Shedding
E1-Type Testing Offer Safety and Reliability

E2-Relay Commissioning
X2-ANSI IEC Function References
Note: the highlighted chapters are new in the edition.

Download:Schneider - Network Protection And Automation Guide
See also  Protection of the Neutral Conductor