Book Review – Power System Analysis and Design

This book aims to provide methods for power system analysis and design, with a particular emphasis on using personal computers. The content is presented in sufficient depth to equip undergraduate students with a solid foundation in the basic theory. The approach encourages the development of critical thinking skills, enabling students to gain a comprehensive understanding of topics in power system engineering while fostering interest in the electrical power industry. Recognizing that fundamental physical concepts are at the core of innovative engineering and constitute the most enduring aspect of an engineering education, the book emphasizes these concepts while incorporating essential mathematical techniques. Both theoretical and modeling aspects are introduced gradually, allowing for seamless extension to more advanced and complex scenarios.

Over the past decade, significant advancements in distribution reliability have been achieved through automation and, more recently, the emergence of "smart grids." Chapter 14 explores the fundamental features of primary and secondary distribution systems, along with key components such as distribution substation transformers, distribution transformers, and shunt capacitors. It also introduces major distribution software vendors and covers essential topics like distribution reliability, distribution automation, and smart grids.

One of the most difficult aspects of engineering education is helping students develop an intuitive understanding of the systems they study. Engineering systems are inherently complex, and while traditional paper-and-pencil exercises are valuable for emphasizing fundamental principles, they often fail to cultivate the intuitive insight needed for deeper comprehension. To bridge this gap, this book incorporates PowerWorld Simulator, using it to integrate computer-based examples, problems, and design projects throughout the text. This approach enhances learning by providing a hands-on, interactive experience with real-world system behaviors.

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This edition also features the following:
(1) Wind-energy systems modeling in the chapter on transient stability;
(2) discussion of reactive/pitch control of wind generation in the chapter on powers system controls;
(3) updated case studies for nine chapters along with four case studies from the previous edition describing present-day, practical applications and new technologies;
(4) an updated PowerWorld Simulator package; and
(5) updated problems at the end of chapters.

Power System Analysis and Design by J. Duncan Glover, Thomas Overbye, Mulukutla S. Sarma is an absolute must-have for power system engineers. This book is the reference guide when it comes to university courses on power systems analysis. This book covers both the theory and practicality of power system analysis and design.

The table of contents of this book can be downloaded below for reference.

Download:Power System Analysis And Design 5th Edition