Philippine Electrical Code Common Violations – Conductor Box Fill

This is a series of articles where we shall be discussion the common violation on the Philippine Electrical Code. It is the assumption of this series of article that the Electrical installer are duly licensed by the Professional Regulations Commission, plans are checked, signed and sealed by a registered Professional Electrical Engineer, and all permits has been acquired prior to the installation.

The most common violation on the PEC is the conductor box fill. Installers will try to fit as many conductors an electrical device box can contain. The boxes to be used must be large enough to provide sufficient free space for all enclosed conductors to prevent overcrowding and possible physical damage.

Article of the Philippines Electrical Code states: Number of Conductors in Outlet, Device, and Junction Boxes, and Conduit Bodies. Boxes and conduit bodies shall be of an approved size to provide free space for all enclosed conductors. In no case shall the volume of the box, as calculated in, be less than the fill calculation as calculated in The minimum volume for conduit bodies shall be as calculated in The provisions of this section shall not apply to terminal housings supplied with motors or generators.

The conductor fill volume of the wiring enclosure box shall comply with Table below.

Table Metal Boxes

The enforcement of the Code is mandatory by governmental bodies that exercise legal jurisdiction over electrical installations. The authority having jurisdiction for enforcement of the Code has the responsibility for making interpretations of the rules.

See also  Why The PEC Needs to Adapt IEC