Electrical Power System Studies

Power Line

Power system studies vary significantly In each design process depending on the purpose of the project. It would be better to have a complete study on your project rather than having missed one or two when audited. Several power system studies may be combined into A single report if having a single stand-alone document is not essential. The most commonly used studies are:

Cable Ampacity
Calculates the ampacity or operating temperature of cables.
Voltage Drop
Calculates the system voltage levels and the impact of a motor starting.
Protective Device Coordination
Plots the time-current curve at specified values for each protective device applied on the power system. Prints a one-line diagram of the associated portion of the system on the coordination curve for the plotted devices.
Motor Starting Torque / Acceleration Time
Using motor and load inertia and torque values, calculates the motor voltage and torque values during the accelerating period, and determines the overall starting time of a successful motor start.
Earthing and Lightning protection Study
Determines step and touch potentials and to identify hazard locations and provide design solutions.

Transient Stability
Calculates the response of dynamic loads to various system disturbances and to determine any unstable operating conditions requiring load shedding or other corrective measures.
Harmonic Analysis
Determine harmonic producing loads on a system and evaluate possible mitigations, i.e. harmonic filters.
Reliability / Availability
Determine failure rates and outage duration times for electrical equipment using statistical data to evaluate if redundant systems are necessary.
Fault Analysis
Calculates fault duties at every system bus to identify and select devices short-circuit capability.
Load Flow
Calculates the system steady-state conditions for both dynamic and static loads, and investigates various operating modes.
Lighting Design
Determines th e correct illumination levels for each task or area.
Generator Sizing
Using data for equipment availability to determine the size of generator for prime or standby power requirement.
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There might be some other studies that I have missed but I am confident that I have listed most of it.

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