Importance of Surge Impedance Loading (SIL) in Transmission Lines

Power Line


The demand for power is steadily increasing every year, leading to a growing gap between power supply and demand. This gap can be addressed by either adding new generation units or expanding the existing infrastructure. However, power generation and demand vary across regions, with some regions experiencing a surplus and others a deficit. Efficient utilization of power involves transferring it from surplus regions to deficit regions.

To achieve this, long transmission lines are required. Extra High Voltage (EHV) transmission lines are particularly suitable for long-distance power transfer due to their advantages, such as improved transmission efficiency, reduced losses, and limited current flow. Therefore, EHV transmission lines are essential for such applications. Moreover, the capacity of these lines should be enhanced to maximize power utilization.

The capacity of a transmission line is influenced by factors such as its thermal limit and Surge Impedance Loading (SIL). For long transmission lines, the SIL limit is the primary factor affecting capacity. To increase the capacity of EHV transmission lines, it is crucial to raise their SIL level. However, SIL levels decrease due to high inductance and large surge impedance in the line.

Enhancing SIL requires reducing the line's surge impedance and inductance, which in turn improves the capacity of EHV transmission lines. The concept of Surge Impedance Loading and the factors influencing it are explored in detail.


Surge Impedance Loading (SIL) is the theoretical power loading of a transmission line at which the reactive power generated by the line's capacitance equals the reactive power consumed by its inductance. At this point, the transmission line operates at its natural impedance, with no net reactive power flow.

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Theory of Surge Impedance Loading

Surge Impedance Loading (SIL) refers to the loading condition of a transmission line at which the total reactive power generated within the line is exactly balanced by the total reactive power absorbed. At SIL, the line achieves a steady state where the reactive power generation and absorption are equal.

Above SIL
When a line is loaded above its SIL, it absorbs reactive power (measured in volt-amperes reactive or VAR) from the system. In this case, the line behaves like a shunt reactor, reducing the system voltage.
Below SIL
When a line is loaded below its SIL, it supplies reactive power to the system, effectively acting as a shunt capacitor and increasing the system voltage.
At the exact SIL point
The transmission line neither absorbs nor supplies reactive power, maintaining a neutral reactive power exchange. This balance ensures optimal operation of the line without additional strain on the reactive power compensation devices in the network.
Surge Impedance Loading vs Receiving Voltage

At the Surge Impedance Loading (SIL) of a transmission line, the sending-end voltage is equal to the receiving-end voltage, and the voltage remains uniform throughout the line. This condition results in a flat voltage profile, meaning that there is no voltage drop or rise along the line. As shown in the graph, the sending-end and receiving-end voltages are equal when the line is loaded at its SIL.

SIL in MW is given by the formula:
V : Line-to-line RMS voltage (in kV)
Zs : Surge impedance of the line (in ohms)

Surge Impedance (Zs):

L: Inductance per unit length of the line (H/m)
C: Capacitance per unit length of the line (F/m)

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Sample Calculation:

For a 400 kV transmission line with a surge impedance of 300 ohms:

Typical SIL Values

SIL varies with voltage level and line construction:

  • 230 kV line: ~45-50 MW.
  • 400 kV line: ~250-300 MW.
  • 765 kV line: ~1,000-1,200 MW.

Importance of SIL

Efficient Operation
At SIL, the line operates at its most efficient state, with minimal reactive power flow, reducing the need for external compensation devices like shunt reactors or capacitors.
Voltage Stability
Maintaining the load close to SIL helps prevent voltage instability, ensuring the transmission line operates within its designed voltage limits.
Transmission Line Capacity
SIL serves as a reference to determine how much power a line can transfer without causing excessive voltage drops or overvoltages.
Reactive Power Management
Understanding SIL helps in managing reactive power in the system, which is crucial for maintaining system reliability and avoiding issues like overloading or underloading.
System Design and Planning
SIL is a key parameter in designing and analyzing transmission networks, helping engineers optimize the line length, voltage level, and power transfer capacity.

By operating near SIL, transmission systems achieve better performance, improved reliability, and enhanced stability, making it a vital concept in power system engineering.

International Standards Related to SIL

Several international standards and guidelines discuss transmission line performance, design, and operation, including concepts like SIL:

IEC 60071-1: Insulation Coordination
Specifies voltage ratings and design considerations, including surge impedance requirements.
IEEE Std 738
Standard for Calculating the Current-Temperature Relationship of Bare Overhead Conductors. Provides guidelines for calculating transmission line parameters influencing SIL.
CIGRÉ Technical Brochures
Various brochures address system stability, reactive power management, and the role of SIL in transmission networks.
National Grid Codes and Standards
Most countries' grid codes (e.g., ENTSO-E for Europe, NERC in North America) indirectly reference SIL when defining transmission line operation limits and reactive power management.
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Key Points to Remember

SIL is a theoretical value and does not represent the maximum power capacity of a line. Transmission lines are typically loaded up to 80-90% of their SIL for reliable operation. Maintaining a balance between reactive power generation and consumption is critical to ensure stable and efficient power transmission.