Branch Circuit Maximum Loads according to Philippine Electrical Code 2017 Edition

The Philippine Electrical Code has specific provisions on the total load of a branch circuit that is required to be complied in any electrical installation. Section is specific on this conditions. Maximum Loads.
The total load shall not exceed the rating of the branch circuit, and it shall not exceed the maximum loads specified in through (C) under the conditions specified therein.

(A) Motor-Operated and Combination Loads.
Where a circuit supplies only motor-operated loads, Article 4.30 shall apply. Where a circuit supplies only air-conditioning equipment, refrigerating equipment, or both, Article 4.40 shall apply. For circuits supplying loads consisting of motor-operated utilization equipment that is fastened in place and has a motor larger than 1/8 hp in combination with other loads, the total calculated load shall be based on 125 percent of the largest motor load plus the sum of the other loads.

(B) Inductive Lighting Loads.
For circuits supplying lighting units that have ballasts, transformers, or autotransformers, the calculated load shall be based on the total ampere ratings of such units and not on the total watts of the lamps.

(C) Range Loads.
It shall be permissible to apply demand factors for range loads in accordance with Table, including Note 4.

Table Demand Factors and Loads for Household Electric Ranges, Wall-Mounted Ovens, Counter-Mounted Cooking Units, and Other Household Cooking Appliances over 1¾ kW Rating (Column C to be used in all cases except as otherwise permitted in Note 3.)
Number of Appliances Demand Factor (Percent) (See Notes) Column C
Maximum Demand (kW)
(See Notes)
(Not over 12 kW Rating)
Column A
(Less than 3½ kW Rating)
Column B
(3½ kW to 8¾ kW Rating)
1 80 80 8
2 75 65 11
3 70 55 14
4 66 50 17
5 62 45 20
6 59 43 21
7 56 40 22
8 53 36 23
9 51 35 24
10 49 34 25
11 47 32 26
12 45 32 27
13 43 32 28
14 41 32 29
15 40 32 30
16 39 28 31
17 38 28 32
18 37 28 33
19 36 28 34
20 35 28 35
21 34 26 36
22 33 26 37
23 32 26 38
24 31 26 39
25 30 26 40
26–30 30 24 15 kW + 1 kW for each range
31–40 30 22
41–50 30 20 25 kW + ¾ kW for each range
51–60 30 18
61 and over 30 16


1. Over 12 kW through 27 kW ranges all of same rating. For ranges individually rated more than 12 kW but not more than 27 kW, the maximum demand in Column C shall be increased 5 percent for each additional kilowatt of rating or major fraction thereof by which the rating of individual ranges exceeds 12 kW.

2. Over 8¾ kW through 27 kW ranges of unequal ratings. For ranges individually rated more than 8¾ kW and of different ratings, but none exceeding 27 kW, an average value of rating shall be calculated by adding together the ratings of all ranges to obtain the total connected load (using 12 kW for any range rated less than 12 kW) and dividing by the total number of ranges. Then the maximum demand in Column C shall be increased 5 percent for each kilowatt or major fraction thereof by which this average value exceeds 12 kW.

3. Over 1¾ kW through 8¾ kW. In lieu of the method provided in Column C, it shall be permissible to add the nameplate ratings of all household cooking appliances rated more than 1¾ kW but not more than 8¾ kW and multiply the sum by the demand factors specified in Column A or B for the given number of appliances. Where the rating of cooking appliances falls under both Column A and Column B, the demand factors for each column shall be applied to the appliances for that column, and the results added together.

4. Branch-Circuit Load. It shall be permissible to calculate the branch-circuit load for one range in accordance with Table The branch-circuit load for one wall-mounted oven or one counter-mounted cooking unit shall be the nameplate rating of the appliance. The branch- circuit load for a counter-mounted cooking unit and not more than two wall-mounted ovens, all supplied from a single branch circuit and located in the same room, shall be calculated by adding the nameplate rating of the individual appliances and treating this total as equivalent to one range.

5. This table also applies to household cooking appliances rated over 1¾ kW and used in instructional programs.

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