Circuit Breaker Utilization Categories (IEC 60947-2)

Utilization category (for a switching device or a fuse) is defined in IEC 60947-1 as the combination of specified requirements related to the conditions in which the switching device or the fuse fulfills its purpose, selected to represent a characteristic group of practical applications.

The utilization category of a circuit-breaker will determine if the circuit breaker is intended for selectivity by means of an intentional time delay with respect to other circuit-breakers in series on the load side, under short-circuit conditions.

Utilization categories are defined in table 4.

Table 4 – Utilization categories
Utilization category Application with respect to selectivity
A Circuit-breakers not specifically intended for selectivity under short-circuit conditions with respect to other short-circuit protective devices in series on the load side, i.e. without an intentional short-time delay provided for selectivity under short-circuit conditions, and therefore without a short-time withstand current rating (Note 1).
B Circuit-breakers specifically intended for selectivity under short-circuit conditions with respect to other short-circuit protective devices in series on the load side, i.e. with an intentional short-time delay (which may be adjustable), provided for selectivity under short-circuit conditions. Such circuit-breakers have a short-time withstand current rating (Note 1).

NOTE Selectivity is not necessarily ensured up to the ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity of the circuit-breakers (for example in the case of operation of an instantaneous release) but at least up to the value specified in Note 2.

NOTE 1 The rated short-time withstand current of a circuit-breaker is the value of short-time withstand current assigned to that circuit-breaker by the manufacturer under the test conditions specified in this standard.
NOTE 2 Rated short-time withstand current Icw – Minimum values (kA): Rating 2500A and lower - 12 In or 5kA whichever is greater, ratings above 2500A - 30kA.

Source: IEC 60947-2


  1. IEC 60947-1 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 1: General rules
  2. IEC 60947-2 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 2: Circuit-breakers
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