Dictionary of Electrical Engineering

Commonly used terms in the Electrical industry.

the repetition rate of a periodic signal used to represent or process a communication signal. Frequency is expressed in units of hertz (Hz). 1 Hz represents one cycle per second, 1 MHz represents one million cycles per second, and 1 GHz represents one billion cycles per second.
frequency converter
an equipment or circuit that converts an RF signal to an intermediate (IF) signal in receivers. It converts an IF signal to an RF signal in transmitters.
frequency regulation
the change in the frequency of an unloaded generator with respect to its frequency in a fully-loaded state. Typically applied to small, isolated power systems such as emergency power units.
frequency relay
a protective relay which monitors the frequency of the electric power system.
frequency resolution
a measure of the ability of a system to resolve different frequencies in a signal. As the frequency resolution increases, more finely-spaced frequency components can be resolved. The time resolution of a system is roughly inversely proportional to the frequency resolution; the uncertainty principle places a lower bound on the time-frequency resolution product.
frequency variation
a change in the electric supply frequency.